OFS BRANDS – COACT modular lounge Update
About a year after having released the first set of product renderings illustrating COACT modular lounge by OFS Brands, we were asked to develop further imagery and rework some of the existing shots.
Main task was to – say – elevate the product and create a more corporate, office environment in comparison to the educational feel we focused on in the first set.
Again we worked environment shots and detail shots – some in perspectives resulting in almost abstract, quite graphical images.
In terms of fabrics and colouring the new series is calmer, „grown up“ – especially in comparison to the original imagery.
We really like this subtle retouche, and trust that we could provide the client with a beneficial addition to the more play – and colourful first set.
It was great fun to experiment a different tonality. We are very happy with the resuts and we like to thank all envolved.

OFS BRANDS - COACT modular lounge Update
Kunde: OFS Brands
CGI: xoio
3D Design: Kathrin Binz
March-April 2017
Produktvisualisierung für Printbroschüre
Raum - und Bildkonzeption, CGI, Postproduktion