Plane Illustrations for Iberia Airlines
Interbrand commissioned xoio to do these plane illustrations for the updated corporate relaunch of Iberia Airlines.
We are very proud that we were entrusted to illustrate the main touchpoints of the new brand CI. Main focus for our team was to produce an illustrative counterpoint to the fresh, reduced and minimalistic appearance of the new CI-design. Our task ranged from classic exterior airplane shots, interiors of the new business class to 3d-photomontages of the redesigned corporate headquarter in Madrid.
We were scheduled to complete this commission within a total timespan of 2 weeks, dating back from the fixed press release deadline.
We thank Interbrand for collaborating with us on this amazing task and hope we could contribute to make the new corporate identity shine in its whole splendor.
All images copyright by xoio, any reproduction not permitted.
Iberia - illustrations for the CI relaunch
Endclient: Iberia Airlines
Agency, client: Interbrand, Madrid
Illustrations: xoio
Autumn, 2013
Illustrations of new corporate identity touchpoints