Bugatti Veyron – lake scenario

Bugatti Veyron Product Shot

The heroshot of our study. An straightforward color scheme communicates the sophisticated brand world of Bugatti

Bugatti People

Adding people changed the focus of the illustration.
They were abandonned for the final shot

Reconstructing a automotive photography was the goal of this internal study. We put ourselves up to this task and recreated all of the photographed elements in a full CG environment. The ensuing colorgrading was finalizing the study, to communicate the established brand world of Bugatti through the use of warm, comforting color-values.

Bugatti Veyron AO

The Ambient Occlusion pass, oftenly used to bring out fine details in postproduction


Bugatti Veyron - 3d study


xoio (3d, Postproduction)


February, 2011


Reconstruction of a photo shoot