Elbtower open space design – Competition visualization
We were commissioned by Vogt Landscape Architects in autumn 2019 to produce the visualizations of the exterior areas of the Elbtower – Hafen City Hamburg. These images were intended as part of an advertised competition and were created to illustrate the design and support the design process.
We decided on a photo realistic style to depict the landscape design and its materiality, focusing on the planned areas and also integrating them into the context of the surrounding urban development. The representation of the surroundings was intended as an abstract representation and illustrated in the form of a white model.
We are pleased that Vogt Landscape Architects were able to win the competition with their design and thank you for the great exchange and good cooperation!
Publication Vogt Landscape Architects: https://www.vogt-la.com/de/article/vogt-gewinnt-den-wettbewerb-zur-gestaltung-der-aussenanlagen-des-elbtowers

Elbtower open space design – Competition visualization
Client / Architectur: Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten
Concept/CGI: xoio
3D Design: Miguel Potier, Steve Pfaffe
Communication / Art Direction: Julia Roch
Competition visualization
CGI, Postproduction