productvisualization premium - gallery

The product being set in the gallery spaces

productvisualization premium

productvisualization premium playground equipment

Urbandesign Berlin is symbolizing highend playground equipment. The productrange presented is designed to withstand the highest demands concerning durabilty. This high standard should be reflected in a gallery setting and xoio was proud to be commisioned to be trusted partner for both visualisation task as well as architectural conception for the virtual sets needed. The presented spatial configurations were all accepted without any restrictions and used to represent the various playground elements as unique pieces of craftsmanship.

We thank Realgestalt and Urban Design Berlin for the great cooperation.

To get a better impression of the catalogue, go here!

productvisualization premium - catalogue

The final catalogue

productvisualization premium productvisualization premium - eddies productvisualization premium - gallery



Product Shots for Urbandesign Berlin


Lasse Rode (3d, Konzept)
Peter Stulz (3d, Konzept)
Realgestalt (Agentur, Print)
Seilfabrik (Kunde)


March, 2009


Conception Galleryspaces, Visualization